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Supervision and Consultation

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Monthly supervision

I work on a one to one basis with therapists and practitioners seeking a primary supervisor for their work  This is suitable for students, therapists working in agencies and those in private practice. 

I was trained by the late Dr Sean Gaffney at Gestalt Centre Belfast in 2014-16.  This was an intensive and thorough supervision training programme consisting of 116 hrs tutor input in a small group of 6 students.

I continue to invest in consultation for my supervision practice and I regularly participate in related CPD.  I recently completed my second year of training with Bonnie Badenoch, focusing on consultation through the lens of relational neuroscience.  This distinctive approach to supervision acknowledges that many of the stuck places we find ourselves in with our people relate at least in part to our own unnavigated histories and hurts.  Therefore, we invite curiosity about the parts of the therapist which are touched and stirred by the person they are seeking consultation for, recognising that they are inextricably linked within the relational dyad and clinical work.  

I particularly enjoy working creatively with supervisees and I incorporate an IFS lens into my supervision practice.  I am happy also for you to bring clinical creative work to supervision sessions, obviously with prior consent from clients.  

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of clinical supervision with me please make contact and we can set up a preliminary meeting to discuss this further.  

Ad hoc Consultation

I offer "one of" sessions for therapists and practitioners seeking additional consultation from time to time.  For example, this might be in relation to some more specialised work you are doing with a small number of clients.  Most commonly, this would relate to work with autistic and otherwise neurodivergent people or sandplay / sandtray work.  

Group Supervision

I offer online group supervision for therapists and practitioners.  

There are 2-4 people in each group and I ask that you commit for a minimum of 6 months.  Groups meet for 1-2 hours monthly or bimonthly .  The details are worked out together according to the wishes and needs of group members.  

I have specialist “supervision of supervision” provision for this work to ensure it is a safe and accountable space where everyone’s needs are met.

If you are interested in this opportunity please contact me to arrange a preliminary meeting, free of charge.

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